Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Public Apology

I apologise to all the imbeciles I'd befriended. I should have known you were of no good. 
I apologise to long-lost friends. I should have kept in touch, and not just leave you etched in my heart. 
I apologise to the family. I should have said 'I love you' more. 
I apologise to the boyfriend. I should have known what to expect and thanked you much more. 
I apologise to my best friends. I should have given you more credit for bearing with an unbalanced soul such as me. 
I apologise to the nation. I shouldn't have given up hope on you. 
I apologise to AIESEC. I should have fought harder. 
I apologise to Bombay. I should have known you're irreversibly contrasting and clunky. 
I apologise to DeeTee. I shouldn't have taken you for granted. 
I apologise to my health. I should have given you undivided attention. 
I apologise to my conscience. I should have known your insane bouts kept me grounded. 
I apologise to my emotions. I should have known you're the only thing that rendered me my humane-ness.

And I deeply apologise to myself. I shouldn't have undermined you. I shouldn't take away my dependence on your independence. I shouldn't curb your string of emotions or skills. I shouldn't ever let you down. I shouldn't ever leave you deserted. You deserve much more.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Blind Fury of Love

Watching you sleep, in my arms, it pains my core to let you go away. Your breath on my neck smells like a lost heaven, brings me back to life. The strength of your arms, the warmth of your embrace, the simplicity of your love have only engulfed me and left me intoxicated. The truth in these eyes can conquer many hearts, can break even more. The stillness beside me makes life flow within me.
The delay sparked by greed makes me wanna hastily find the unknown profound. Find the missing link. The real meaning because I've been made oblivious by selfish choices.
The TV has nothing on its screen, like the faces of people who've come and gone.
The blades of the fan keep rotating, never stop, like the love along with anguishing pain.
As you lie beside me, I wanna shut my eyes too, and dream. Not of the euphoric heaven or the boundless love. I wanna be trapped in fury that's devastating, only with hope, that you'll wake up and save me.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Born To Be Wild

This post was inevitable. I HAD to blog about my genuine Partner In Crime for the past three years or so. This one goes out for you Mallu.

We were born to be wild,
And you grew up to be God's special child.
We were born to be free,
Laugh and dance, and make jives out of 'Glee'.
We were born to rule,
To share a billion stories, especially about your school.
We were born to fall in love,
It was a fool-proof plan, sent right from above.
We were born to laugh and cry,
Always asking questions, never finding out why.
We were born to make mistakes,
Some we promised never again to make.
We were born to converse in hilarious tones,
You completed my sentences, my mind clone.
We were born to bitch about men,
Became my favourite past-time, no matter where or when.
We were born to meet that momentous first day,
I love you to death, and I wish you could stay.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

It Goes Without Saying.

Steve Jobs is dead. So is Gaddafi actually. Wonder who was the bigger tyrant. No you pro-Apple and pro-Libyan people; calm down. It's just a conversation starter.
2012 is also just around the corner. So will we actually survive it?
Whether the next year is the dawn of a new era or not, this blog is DEFINITELY a new start, re-start rather, to my blogging glory.
I have new questions, new feelings and newer stories to share.
Like, it's so stupid to say 'it goes without saying that bla bla bla'. I mean if it REALLY goes without saying it, don't! These language sommeliers do make a heady mix. Mix-up actually.
Or how shoddy 'Thank You For Smoking' the film is in comparison to 'Thank You For Smoking' the book. Baah! Humbug!
Or how over-rated and over-glorified Janata and Gokul are in. Bombay (I refuse to call it Mumbaiiii. Ugh)

Basically, yeah. This and much more in store at my escapade from reality. Or rather entry into it.

To happy blogging. I shall obviously be back. It goes without sa.... *bang*
(Yes I'd rather die than say it)


Precious Pearls

It marks the onset of a frenzy of emotions,
It humbles even the proudest of people,
It brings about a silence that relays the unspeakable,
It indicates to others that you're brimming with joy,
It makes known when a heart is broken,
It makes some people cringe inside,
It makes others share their tales,
It deals with rejection bundled with remorse,
It throws people off their solid ground,
It calls out for nothing but a hug.
It's treated so lowly, allowing it dive to death,
But it's the most priceless possession. A tear. A simple pearl.

There Was A Boy

There was an infant born around coins and notes,
He sucked milk in a palace built on a boat.
There was a boy who's name was chanted,
His dreams fulfilled, all his wishes granted.
There was an adult so wild and reckless,
He tore people down, always summoned a mess.
There was a man so full of himself,
His biggest pride his ego, placed on a shelf
And then, there was a senile fellow, dying alone,
He owned stallions and palaces, but not a single home.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

No One Knows

Thanks Kaaku for pushing me to write again.

No one knows how dark one be
Their conscience is as vast and empty as the sea
No one knows what they truly wish
Their notions hold them back from what they might accomplish
No one knows how to find love
It's your own actions, not sent from above
No one knows how to live
Everyone hoards, a few learned give
No one knows how to keep a secret
They let it all out, in one vengeful fit
No one knows what they should actually do
Cause you never can teach someone actually how to
No one knows how to share a smile
You look content to others, but only for a while
No one knows how to share
They push everyone further, even those who care
No one knows how to keep things simple
They shriek and fret over one darn pimple
No one knows how to read an open book
It's not how you read, it's where they look
No one knows now how to write
They know how to hate, when to fight
No one knows why they should read this
But then again, it's not your choice, it's my wish.